SCIM API Authentication Problem With Postman

Hello Sailors,

We are trying to test SCIM API. In SOAPUI, we can call API successfully when we enter username and password to Request Properties section. However, when trying to test it on Postman, we enter username and password on authorization section, we are getting 401:User does not have access.

Any ideas?


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Couple of things to check -

  1. Are you using the same credentials on both the third party apps?
  2. When you add the basic auth creds in postman, verify if its update in the request header.
  3. Verify in IdentityIQ that the user - spadmin has the correct roles to access the SCIM API’s.
  4. What url are you trying to access? Which endpoint in particular?

Can you use curl commands to verify basic connectivity? There should not be any difference in the response from the IdentityIQ SCIM Server as long as the API’s are called correctly.


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Log in IdentityIQ as administrator > Identities > Identity Warehouse > look for the user that you use to call API and select it, go to User Right’s tab… check if the window of “User Capabilities” has the roles :

SCIM Executor;
WebService Executor

make sure of this roles is checked to user and try call the API from postman again.

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