SCIM 2.0 SaaS Disabling and Removing of Accounts

Hi All!

I am new to SCIM 2.0 SaaS and would like to use it for deprovisioning use cases. We would need it to disable accounts or remove accounts.

  1. Does SCIM 2.0 supports removing of accounts? I do not see it in the supported features. If this is a limitation of the connector, what could be the possible workaround for this?

  2. How do we configure the disabling and removing of accounts in SCIM? In Web service, we are setting this up in the http operations but how do we configure this with SCIM?

Thank you!

SCIM is just like direct connector, you just enter base url and authentication details.

There is no OOTB remove/delete accounts in IDN, you need to change the account request operation to delete using Before Provisioning Rule.


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