Scheduled Workflow for Email/SMS Notifications

Hi all, I have one use case where we will send out email/SMS to users that are onboarded today at 9am. The users could be:

  1. aggregated during previous days, or
  2. aggregated today

And both reach onboarding LCS today.

I have looked into workflow, and understand that we can use the scheduled trigger to specify a time to execute the workflow. However, it is not possible for me to loop all the identities and check for the effective start date for all users, and trigger email/SMS sending, as there might be >100 users, and the loop is only limited to 100.

Appreciate any input and suggestion on this, and open to any ways other than workflow as well, thanks!

I believe you need to notify users after creating AD account.

If yes, then you can use Native Rules: Connector After Create Rule, which can trigger a PowerShell script to store the user data in a text file inside IQ Service Server.

Schedule a PowerShell script to read the file and send email/sms notifications to all users in the file.

If you are using SMS, most of the SMS vendors does provide ability to schedule the message.

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@sjoyee I will demonstrate how to do this at the workflows livestream this Wednesday. It’s a good use case for recursive workflows. If you can’t make the livestream, no worries. It will be recorded.

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