I’m generating user IDs sequentially using the Account Profile Attribute Generator rule. Is there a possibility to store the last created UserID somewhere so that the next time a new identity is created, it generates the new user ID incremental from the last created UserID ?
This would save time that Sailpoint would take to check though all the existing User IDs that are already created.
IdentityNow use multithreading, so that mean for example 10 identity can be created at same time it will be difficult to generate id sequentially.
We doing following custom solution :
With custom forms with ui we developp a forms that can create, update account an authorative delimited file source.
For new account creation, we get the last account id having the greatest value on source and we increment by one and check unicity at source accounts level and identityLevel. The new account is created. We have some concurency problem but we deal with that.