Save an attribute from the response body to the Source parameters

I’m wondering if it is possible to save an attribute from a response body from for example an aggregation call to a parameter on the Source under “Connection Settings”?

I have a case where our source needs a certificate/token to be included in all the calls to the source. It has to be renewed once a month. So my thought was to include the call to fetch a new certificate in the role aggregation that run once a day and then save it in a place in the source config where the other calls can fetch and use it.

Anyone that have tried this kind of solution or know if it is possible?


You can achieve this by using workflows. You can place a schedule trigger in workflow, get the updated token and call the ISC update source API to refresh token.


Hey Jenny,

From what I can understand this certificate/token will be used to validate all the calls that you’ll be making. If your source is integrated using Web Service connector. You could use, “Custom Authentication” operation to achieve the same.

You can have the response mapped as:
session_token : SessionToken

and pass the session_token attribute in any call like $application.session_token$

Yes I’m using the Web Service connector.
So if I map the response in “Response mapping” and set for example
Schema Attribute to session_token and
Attribute Path to SessionToken
that will do the trick?

Yup, that should do it.

Configure Root Path and Attribute Path to your certification/token value from the response. and whatever attribute you want to use for other calls under “Schema Attribute”.


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