SapHrOperationProvisioning Not Writing Back to SAP HCM


Good day. We are encountering an issue with SapHrOperationProvisioning where attributes sometimes writing back/sync to SAP HCM and sometimes it did not.

Before, this functionality was writing back/sync the Email and System Username (SY-UNAME) attributes to the SAP HCM. Now, we are experiencing intermittent writing back/sync to SAP HCM.

We just followed this documentation: SAP HR Provisioning Modify Rule | SailPoint Developer Community

For your assistance, please.

Thank you very much.

Hi @mgambayan

Do you see this sync issue occur during specific times during the day, or when there is relatively higher processing load (queue) on the tenant? Do you see that the sync does not happen at all, or happens, but just later than usual?

If you see a pattern where only during certain time slots this happens, or happens with a delay, it could be due to the tenant’s processing queue. But if you have not yet figured out the pattern when it fails, try a few scenarios to identify when exactly the issue occurs and try to replicate it.

This is assuming everything else in your configuration is validated and tested to be correct, so if you are certain there is nothing that could have possibly gone wrong within your rule, I’d suggest you look into when the issues occur, and if they can be replicated. But if not, revisit the code to identify potential issues that might have gone unnoticed.

If required, get a fresh start to your tenant by restarting it and working with support to clear any pending queues, so that your tests are more accurate.

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