SAP HANA Direct connector - Delete operation

Hello Team,

I’m working with an on-premises SAP HANA source using the SAP Direct connector. I’ve been able to do aggregations, create accounts, enable/disable accounts, and role assignment, but I couldn’t find a way to perform a Delete operation on the source accounts. Is there a way to delete an account on the source using an OOTB connector like this, or do I need to use a cloud rule to do this operation?


Hi Ariel,

SAP Direct connector does support Delete operation.

By default there is no way to have delete operation, you need to go with Before Provisioning Rule only by changing account request operation to delete based on some generic attribute, adding [deleted] as a suffix.


I don’t think that’s accurate, as SAP Direct does support the DELETE operation. You can verify this in the documentation here: SAP Direct Supported Features. Also, just to note, the SAP HANA Database connector Required Permissions ( supports the DELETE operation as well. Not sure why you opted for SAP Direct, but wanted to point that out.


We used the Direct connector because we tried to use the SAP HANA database connector, but it only reads the System DB accounts, and we need to read the SAP Tenant accounts.

We will try to perform the Delete operation using a Before Provisioning rule.

Thanks for the replies.

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