SAP GRC - Access Management : Error Connector is not Configured

Hi All,
I’m configuring SAP GRC - Access Management mode and i trying to request a new account for a test user, and i submit the form with right values i get the following error:

***connector.sapgrc.service.SAPGRCExceptionHandlerService:226 - Error occurred in create operation. Native identity: TUSER1: ***
sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: [ ConnectorException ] ***
*** [ Error details ] Connector is not configured

Before the error occurs i see this in logs too:

*2023-06-28T15:02:02,898 TRACE https-openssl-nio-443-exec-4 sailpoint.connector.sapgrc.SAPGRCConnectorProvisioner:97 - Entering lambda$1: Arguments =>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style">*
*	<urn:GracIdmUsrAccsReqServices>*
*		<RequestHeaderData>  *
*			<Reqtype>001</Reqtype>  *
*			<Priority>006</Priority>*
*			<ReqInitSystem>S84CLNT100_IAM</ReqInitSystem>*
*			<Requestorid>spadmin</Requestorid>*
*			*
*			<RequestReason>Create user request from identityIQ</RequestReason>*
*			<Bproc>basis</Bproc>*
*		</RequestHeaderData>*
*		<RequestedLineItem>*
*			<item>*
*				<ItemName>S84CLNT100_IAM</ItemName>*
*				<Connector>S84CLNT100_IAM</Connector> *
*				<ProvItemType>SYS</ProvItemType>*
*				<ValidFrom>20230628</ValidFrom>*
*				<ValidTo>99991231</ValidTo>*
*				<ProvAction>001</ProvAction>*
*			</item>*
*		</RequestedLineItem>*
*		<UserInfo>  *
*			<item>*
*				<Department>TUSER1</Department><Email>[email protected]</Email> *
*                      <Lname>User1</Lname><Userid>TUSER1</Userid><Fname>Test1</Fname><UserType>Dialog</UserType>*
*			</item>*
*		</UserInfo>*
*	</urn:GracIdmUsrAccsReqServices>*

Any idea about this??



Hey @vmingo !

Acording Troubleshooting page, it seems that GRAC_SYS auth object is missing in the permissions assigned to the service account created.

Execution of the Access Request Web service resulted in error. Message Type : ERROR, Message Reason : Connector is not configured.(Troubleshooting)

Resolution: GRAC_SYS auth object is missing in the permissions assigned to the service account created


This Authorization object is configured for Risk Analisys module, so,when you request a new access through ARM function,it internally invoke to ARA function

Required Permissions (

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