SAP Buildmap rule to populate custom fields

We are currently in the process of integrating SAP HCM with ISC.
For aggregation, we have to import several custom fields that are not included in the standard BAPIs.
We are utilizing the SAP Build Map rule for this purpose. However, the rule documentation (both SAP Build Map and SAP Modify Provision rule) only addresses standard attributes and does not provide guidance on custom attributes.

Has anyone successfully implemented the SAP Build Map rule to aggregate custom fields from SAP?

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Hi @pradipniladhe1 we’re experiencing the same issue. Have you already found a solution? Could you please share it with me? Thanks!

Hello @Rpalos ,

We are currently in the process of developing the build map rule for this. It is taking some time to complete the code needed to fetch attributes from custom tables as we have no sample for custom tables and we have to understand SAP JCO libraries as well.


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Hello @Rpalos,

I’m working with @pradipniladhe1 on the project.

In the end I started learning ABAP and looked at the SAIL_READ_TABLE function module on our SAP system to find out how it works.

The good news is that SAIL_READ_TABLE can be used as a replacement for RFC_READ_TABLE to access any field in the SAP system. But you need to be sure that you have an entry in /SAILPOIN/CONF for every column you need to access for a query (everything involved in the SELECT and WHERE clause).

I did at first implement loading of custom attributes via the jcoDestination in the BuildMapRule and RFC_READ_TABLE, since you can find documentation for that via Google.
My advice would be to install the Rule Development Kit and also add the sapjco jars to the project so you can have autocompletion for the jco destination.
Create a class with the “input” objects as fields found here:

Unfortunately I don’t want to share our code or documentation, since:

  1. All my work is owned by my employer and I would need permission to share source code.
  2. SailPoint didn’t provide us with documentation for the SAP Addon and I’m not willing to do their work on my employer’s time or my free time. If SailPoint was an open source project I would be fine with contributing documentation.
    We opened multiple Issues with the support and requested multiple architect sessions. No one could explain to us how to call SAIL_READ_TABLE properly (or even what it does exactly). Documentation was promised to us but was never delivered.

But the good news is that it can be done.

Best regards

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