Salesforce Connector Test Connection - OAuth with password grant type

Hi Team,

We are facing same issue as the one discussed in the the discussion “Salesforce Connector Test Connection - #2 by sharvari_shah”.
May I know if anyone was able to connect to Salesforce using OAuth with password grant type.

We were able to resolve it by having our internal team provide us new oauth credentials. Once those were configured in source, the Test Connection was successful. I suggest working with your Salesforce team to validate the credentials.

Hi Sharvari,

Thank you so much for the response!
I am actually part of Salesforce team and other team is handling the SailPoint part.
I have provided the new OAuth creds to team; still they are unable to call API.
They are getting attached error.
I have shared ClientID-Client Secret and UsersName-Password with the SailPoint team and followed the steps as per SailPoint document; however no luck.
Could you please help to confirm if these are the only details required. Thank you!

Hi Priti, I would verify that the VA is able to “reach out to the web”. Your SailPoint/IAM team needs to reach out to networking and make sure that the virtual appliances are able to communicate with the salesforce web domains/IP addresses.

Have you also confirmed that you gave them the correct url from the partner WSDL file?


Hi Adam,
Thank you for the response.

Basic authentication works fine, so don’t seem to be connectivity issue.
We are using Oauth using password grant type and SF Rest API.

Thanks and Regards.,

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