Rule Transform: Providing Inputs from Account Attributes

I was looking into documentation on providing inputs to the rule transform here:

I was wondering if we can pass account attributes as an input to the rule being invoked like so:

  "attributes": {
    "name": "Rule Name Here",
    "myAccountAttributeInput": {
        "attributes": {
            "attributeName": "myAttributeName",
            "sourceName": "Source Name"
        "type": "accountAttribute"
  "type": "rule",
  "name": "Some Rule Transform"

I’d expect a variable named myAccountAttributeInput to be available in the rule I invoke.

Can you please help me validate the above transform structure? If it isn’t correct, please share the updated structure on this thread.

Thanks in advance!

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Hello @sushantkulkarni,

You are correct. The rule you would develop to use these variables would need to be a Generic Rule.

The rule transform can implement variables within the attributes list. These variables can be defined as static string values or even as the results of other transforms. Any variables defined here are passed to the Generic rule and are available for calculation within that code.

Another example from our Cloud Services Deployment Utility Rule is below. The rule takes in operation and numChars as variables.

  "attributes": {
    "name": "Cloud Services Deployment Utility",
    "operation": "getEndOfString",
    "input": {
      "type": "trim"
    "numChars": "3"
  "type": "rule",
  "name": "Rule Transform"
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