Role to Create Account in Application

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

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I would like for all the Identities that fit a certain criteria to have an account in an AD Application.

I though about creating a Business Role to select the Identities and an IT Role for the account creation, but but as far as I know, it is required an Entitlement to assign.

Is it possible to Create the Account without assigning an Entitlement? Would having a dummy entitlement to assign be a better approach?

Hi @bruno-co,

as Obama said, yes we can.

On IT role, you can add a “fake” profile.
On Entitlments section → Advanced View you can add a Profile:

Select the AD application and add a filter on a field(UPN for example) and save everything:

Whit this configuration, everytime the role will be assigned an identity will be created an AD account.

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That seems straight forward, but I have a doubt about the filter.

How is the filter used for the account creation? Can I use any field and value for the filter?

I tested with a random value and it successfully created the account.

I assume that if the filter matches with an entitlement, it will also provide it, correct?

Honestly, I am not sure at all why it works. It works with every filter on every attribute. I think IIQ try to assign a profile based on this filter and doesnt find an account lauch a creation, but I am not sure

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