Revoke Entitlements - Not supported in ISC Request center

Hi Experts,

As Revoke Entitlements are not supported in Sailpoint ISC Request center, I’m thinking to use forms to get the entitlement and user information in FORMS and triggering the workflow with revoke entitlement API.

But Can we make the FORM as quicklink for the end users or atleast managers?

Hi @chandramohans27,

i already answer this question here : Is there an option like Quicklink in IdentityNow? - Identity Security Cloud (ISC) / ISC Discussion and Questions - SailPoint Developer Community

Currently, adding Quicklinks for form access is limited to administrators only.

The good news is that SailPoint might be adding this functionality in the future!

In the meantime, here’s a workaround:

  1. Users can request entitlement revocation by submitting an intention to administrators.
  2. Administrators can then use a first form to select the identity who needs to submit an entitlement revocation request and submit the form.
  3. After the first form submission, your workflow can submit a second form for the identity selected in the first form. This form would allow the selected identity to access the second form, where they can select another identity and the entitlement or access they want to revoke.
  4. Upon the second form submission, your workflow can handle the revocation using the access-request endpoint.

This approach gives users some ability to initiate the entitlement revocation process, even though they can’t directly access the form themselves.

I hope this is helpful!


Thanks @baoussounda for replying.

But Looks like we need to have ORG_ADMIN permissions. we want to give this to all managers.

@chandramohans27 i updated my first answer

I don’t think if it’s a good idea to give ORG_ADMIN access to all manager because they will be able to do everything.

But any user that have ORG_Admin can have a form quiclink into the home page :

You must this option :

@baoussounda Yeah, That means to have quicklink in home page the identity has to be ORG ADMIN right.

we can’t do this then.

But we want to show the forms for all managers. is there any other approach you see for this use case

@chandramohans27 inside of ISC, quicklink will not be possible actually with non admin.

Anohter solution : if you have an internal application, you can add a link for “Entitlement revovation forms” the click on this can launch a worfklow with external trigger.

In your workflow you can then assign form for identity that click on link and process the rest of the worklfow as describe.

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