Retrieving requester's comments in access request submissions emails

Hi Team,

We are customizing the email templates for Access request for Others to retrieve the requester’s comments in the email.

As of now, we are using the following Variable to retrieve the requester’s comments ‘requesterComments’, however it’s just taking the string value and not retrieving the comments.
This is the template we have currently:

Dear ${},

${requesterName} has requested the following access on your behalf:

#foreach ( $type in ${requestedObjectDetailsByType.keySet()} ) $type:

#foreach ( $detail in ${requestedObjectDetailsByType.get($type)} )

${}#if($detail.removeDate) (Access Sunset Date: ${detail.removeDate}) #end

#set( $sap = ${} ) #end #end

#if( $sap.contains("SAP/S4") )

This email does not require your approval; this is to inform you that SAP access request for ${user.displayName} was recently submitted

The request reason entered by ${requesterName}: ${requesterComment}.




We are receiving the following in the email received:

The request reason entered by Naga Indana ADM: $ {requesterComment}

Can someone help us in retreiving the comments from the email?

Did you try ${requesterComments}? Looks like in your code you may just be missing the ‘s’ at the end.

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Hey @jroozeboom , thank you for responding.

Yes, I tried it as well, but never worked.

Did it ever work for you to retrieve comments in access request submission email?