Remove entitlements before deleting account

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Hi Sailors

I have use case where i have to delete the account if the last entitlement is being removed from the account. This removal request can be come from any source like access request or certification. This is jdbc connector where we have placed all the rules as per the operations.

To achieve this i have added the before provision rule on the application and there i am checking if the removing entitlement is the last entitlement then add the another account request to delete the account from application. But before removing entitlement account is getting deleted so remove request is getting failed since account is already deleted.

is there any way to control the sequence of execution in jdbc connector? or any alternate approach for this use case?


Hej Ankush,

instead of using BeforeProvisioning rule, you should use for this use case an AfterProvisioning one, where you check if no entitlements are left, then add one more account request with operation delete.



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