Remote mailbox creation

I am trying to set up remote mailbox through Sailpoint identity now . I need assistance with approach and steps to follow while implementing.

Hi Uthej,
Welcome to developer community.
Kindly the below link for mailbox creation:

Additional attributes that are required to create a mailbox are:

Attribute Description
homeMDB The exchange mailbox store domain name required to create a mailbox. For example: SomeExchangeDB. The homeMDB attribute is in the format of ‘SomeExchangeDB’, not ‘CN=SomeExchangeDB’.
mailNickname The exchange alias that you can use to update or disable the mailbox. For example: firstname.lastname
msExchHideFromAddressList The attribute to hide from the Exchange address lists


  1. If you send an email address in the mail attribute, the exchange may not use it, if the E-mail Policy in the exchange is set to create it differently. The email address is not taken and sent back to Active Directory after it is created, based on the policy.
  2. For the Active Directory source, the mailNickname, homeMBD, and msExchHideFromAddressLists attributes are case insensitive when processed by the IQService.
  3. The Active Directory source sets the MS-Exchange attributes - 'homeMD’B and ‘mailNickname’ as AD attributes, if MS-Exchange is not enabled.

Updating Exchange Mailbox Attributes

The Active Directory source supports updating any Exchange mailbox attributes supported by set-mailbox cmdlet, using the following two methods:

  1. Add the attribute in the provisioning policy with “Exch_” as a prefix. For example, to set the ‘HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled’ exchange attribute, add the attribute name as Exch_HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled in the provisioning policy.

  2. Provide a comma separated list of exchange attributes for exchangeAttributes. For example, for the ‘HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled’ provisioning policy attribute, use the IdentityNow REST API. Set up the exchangeAttributes attribute with a value such as HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled

Refer to Best Practices: IdentityNow REST API Authentication and IdentityNow REST API - Update Source (Partial).

Attributes for Skype for Business are:

By default, provisioning of the following attributes is supported:

Attribute Description
SipAddress This attribute contains the SIP address of a given user.
SipDomain This attribute contains the SIP domain of a given user.
SipAddressType This attribute contains the SIP address type of a given user. Skype for Business Server generates a SIP address for the new user when SipAddressType is provided in combination with SipDomain.
Registrar Pool This attribute contains the Registrar pool of a given user
msRTCSIP-UserEnabled This attribute indicates whether the user is currently enabled for Microsoft Lync\Skype for Business Server

The msRTCSIP-UserEnabled attribute must be updated as part of the Create Profile section.


Future you can check these post for reference
On Premise Exchange Setup - #4 by MVKR7T
Hybrid Provisioning with Active Directory and Azure Active Directory - Compass

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