Rejoiner correlation rule

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I have a use case where the user has left the organization and joined back under a different identity name with the same email as the inactive identity where this email is used to correlate the account. I noticed the behavior where the account is correlated to the identity that is inactive but not the new identity. Is there any way that we can only specify to correlate to the identity that is active only?


Write a correlation rule as below, this should work for you

        import sailpoint.object.Identity;
        import sailpoint.object.Filter;
        import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
		import java.util.Iterator;

        Map returnArgs = new HashMap();
        if(account!=null) {    
            String targetEmail = (String)account.getAttribute("TARGET_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTENAME");
			QueryOptions qo=new QueryOptions();

			Iterator, qo);
			Identity iden=(Identity);
			returnArgs.put("identity", iden);
        return returnArgs;

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