Correlation rule

I am trying to correlate the account with identities by writing a correlation rule but when I checked in identity correlation tab I can see all the identities were uncorrelated.

There is one attribute email which is without domain name, so by hardcoding domain name I am trying to correlate it.

code snippet:

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map; 
 Map returnMap = new HashMap(); 
String email= (String) account.getStringAttribute("email") + ""; 
 if( email!= null ) {
returnMap.put( "identityAttributeName", "email");
returnMap.put( "identityAttributeValue", email);
return returnMap;

code looks good.

Check the attribute name in your account
Check email value is matching or not
Its funny but still, is the Correlation Rule selected in Application Rules Tab ?

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Hi @SDM007 ,

As @MVKR7T mentioned the code looks good. Just double check by adding logger statement after email variable to make sure it is having the full email. I have noticed this issue sometimes where the value is not concatenated properly. For example, instead [email protected] it was only having alphaName

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I have replicated your requirement, with your code as correlation Rule. It is working fine. Make sure that

  1. Correlation Rule is selected in Application Rules Tab
  2. Check attribute name in your application, I doubt that attribute name email having value without domain, may be case sensitive issue.
  3. Check email values are matching or not
  4. Add a logger statement in your Rule to see what is happening.

There were two identities created for the same account when checked in identity warehouse it is showing two identities one identity containing application accounts(ex: hr employee) and another identity is present without application account. so for that I have ran the task Prune Identity Cube(Delete identities that have no account links and have no important references.) after deleting orphan identity I can see correlation rule is working.

Thanks for the help.


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