Refresh All Users - Error (Roles)

IIQ version 8.3 p4

RefreshWorker_Error.txt (2.8 KB)
Remove_Deleted_Object_Error.txt (3.8 KB)

Share all details about your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Hello, hoping someone can help with this issue I am having when doing the Refresh All Users No Triggers task. I am getting the following message(s) in the task result:

An unexpected error occurred: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: sailpoint.object.Identity.assignedRoles, could not initialize proxy - no Session

When I go SyslogEvent, I see two error events as follows (full errors in attachments):

<SyslogEvent classname="sailpoint.provisioning.PlanEvaluator" created="1740150210585" eventLevel="ERROR" id="0a5d0687952817e2819529090019645a" lineNumber="1748" quickKey="0008239353" server="BCSRV774" thread="Thread-232" username="RequestHandler">
  <EventMessage>deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [sailpoint.object.EntitlementGroup#0a5d068795021f808195231dd8ba759d]</EventMessage>
  <Stacktrace> deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [sailpoint.object.EntitlementGroup#0a5d068795021f808195231dd8ba759d]


<SyslogEvent classname="sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor$RefreshWorker" created="1740150212767" eventLevel="ERROR" id="0a5d0687952817e281952909089f6480" lineNumber="1655" quickKey="0008239354" server="BCSRV774" thread="Thread-232" username="RequestHandler">
  <EventMessage>RefreshWorker 1 exception: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: sailpoint.object.Identity.assignedRoles, could not initialize proxy - no Session</EventMessage>
  <Stacktrace>org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: sailpoint.object.Identity.assignedRoles, could not initialize proxy - no Session

It seems like it’s telling me that I have a role with entitlements that don’t exist? But I’m not able to find how to search for these id#'s in the error messages.

The options in my Refresh task are:
Exclude identities marked inactive
Refresh assigned, detected roles and promote additional entitlements
Provision Assignments
Enable Partitions

check this thread has solution, let me know if that works

Error during role refresh - IdentityIQ (IIQ) / IIQ Discussion and Questions - SailPoint Developer Community