IIQ version 8.3 p4
RefreshWorker_Error.txt (2.8 KB)
Remove_Deleted_Object_Error.txt (3.8 KB)
Share all details about your problem, including any error messages you may have received.
Hello, hoping someone can help with this issue I am having when doing the Refresh All Users No Triggers task. I am getting the following message(s) in the task result:
An unexpected error occurred: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: sailpoint.object.Identity.assignedRoles, could not initialize proxy - no Session
When I go SyslogEvent, I see two error events as follows (full errors in attachments):
<SyslogEvent classname="sailpoint.provisioning.PlanEvaluator" created="1740150210585" eventLevel="ERROR" id="0a5d0687952817e2819529090019645a" lineNumber="1748" quickKey="0008239353" server="BCSRV774" thread="Thread-232" username="RequestHandler">
<EventMessage>deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [sailpoint.object.EntitlementGroup#0a5d068795021f808195231dd8ba759d]</EventMessage>
<Stacktrace>sailpoint.tools.GeneralException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [sailpoint.object.EntitlementGroup#0a5d068795021f808195231dd8ba759d]
<SyslogEvent classname="sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor$RefreshWorker" created="1740150212767" eventLevel="ERROR" id="0a5d0687952817e281952909089f6480" lineNumber="1655" quickKey="0008239354" server="BCSRV774" thread="Thread-232" username="RequestHandler">
<EventMessage>RefreshWorker 1 exception: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: sailpoint.object.Identity.assignedRoles, could not initialize proxy - no Session</EventMessage>
<Stacktrace>org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: sailpoint.object.Identity.assignedRoles, could not initialize proxy - no Session
It seems like it’s telling me that I have a role with entitlements that don’t exist? But I’m not able to find how to search for these id#'s in the error messages.
The options in my Refresh task are:
Exclude identities marked inactive
Refresh assigned, detected roles and promote additional entitlements
Provision Assignments
Enable Partitions