I’m looking for an API to retrieve correlation rules for sources. I currently only know of the old v1 https://{instance}.identitynow.com/api/sources/get/{sourceId}. Is there an updated API that exposes this data?
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Looks like currently that’s being pulled back in a private API that we don’t have access to
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@KevinHarrington I was able to find something else…
I used the SP-Config API to download a source config, and the correlation config was included
"version": 1,
"self": {
"id": "2c91808381d42b410181d8c239575fcf",
"type": "SOURCE",
"name": "WellReadiness DB"
"object": {
"id": "2c91808381d42b410181d8c239575fcf",
"name": "WellReadiness DB",
"type": "JDBC",
"connectorClass": "sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector",
"connectorScriptName": "jdbc-angularsc",
"description": "Entitlements that are set within the WellReadiness app and not ones granted by AD",
"deleteThreshold": 10,
"provisionAsCsv": false,
"owner": {
"type": "IDENTITY",
"id": "2c9180878043083b01804777f82f7b6c",
"name": "364157"
"features": [
"schemas": [
"nativeObjectType": "account",
"identityAttribute": "UserName",
"displayAttribute": "UserName",
"hierarchyAttribute": null,
"includePermissions": false,
"features": [],
"configuration": {},
"attributes": [
"name": "UserName",
"type": "STRING",
"schema": null,
"description": null,
"isMulti": false,
"isEntitlement": false,
"isGroup": false
"name": "Role",
"type": "STRING",
"schema": {
"id": "2c91808781d42b040181d8cbbfac00de",
"name": "group"
"description": "Role Name",
"isMulti": true,
"isEntitlement": true,
"isGroup": true
"id": "2c91808381d42b410181d8c239575fd0",
"name": "account",
"created": "2022-07-07T13:03:36.279Z",
"modified": "2022-07-07T13:15:47.869Z"
"nativeObjectType": "group",
"identityAttribute": "Role",
"displayAttribute": "Role",
"hierarchyAttribute": null,
"includePermissions": false,
"features": [
"configuration": {},
"attributes": [
"name": "Role",
"type": "STRING",
"schema": null,
"description": "User Role",
"isMulti": false,
"isEntitlement": false,
"isGroup": false
"id": "2c91808781d42b040181d8cbbfac00de",
"name": "group",
"created": "2022-07-07T13:14:00.492Z",
"modified": "2022-07-07T16:20:22.278Z"
"connectorAttributes": {
"healthCheckTimeout": 30,
"mergeColumns": [
"supportsDeltaAgg": "true",
"deltaAggregationEnabled": false,
"group.mergeRows": false,
"useStoredProcedureTestConn": false,
"isAdvance": "false",
"mergeRows": true,
"useStoredProcedureGetObject": false,
"connectionType": "direct",
"usePrepareCall": false,
"useStoredProcedureDirectPermission": false,
"driverClass": "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver",
"hasFullAggregationCompleted": true,
"jdbcExceptionBucketing": true,
"useExecuteQuery": false,
"connector_files": "mssql-jdbc-9.4.1.jre8.jar",
"testConnQuery": "select getdate()",
"indexColumns": [
"jdbcProvisionRule": "jdbcProvisionRule",
"testConnSQL": "select getdate()",
"group": "[SQL:, getObjectSQL:]",
"deltaTable": "USER_DELTA",
"isPermissionEnabled": false,
"deleteThresholdPercentage": 10,
"group.useStoredProcedureSqlStmt": false,
"url": "jdbc:sqlserver://xxxxx.xxx.net",
"SQL": "SELECT LOWER(REPLACE([UserName],'CHKENERGY\\','')) [UserName],[RoleValue] [Role] FROM [WellReadiness].[dbo].[UserSecurity] order by UserName",
"group.useStoredProcedureGetObject": false,
"cloudCacheUpdate": 1676401067936,
"templateApplication": "JDBC Template",
"encrypted": "password,group.password",
"group.isPermissionEnabled": false,
"healthy": true,
"cloudDisplayName": "WellReadiness DB",
"connectorName": "JDBC",
"useStoredProcedureSqlStmt": false,
"user": "proc_sailpoint_wellreadiness",
"since": "2023-01-06T16:38:03.408663Z",
"correlationConfigDetails": {
"attributeAssignments": [
"complex": false,
"property": "uid",
"operation": "EQ",
"value": "UserName",
"ignoreCase": true,
"matchMode": null,
"filterString": null
"name": "WellReadiness DB [source] Account Correlation",
"id": "2c91808381d431690181d8cdc20b0071"
"provisioningPolicies": []
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@colin_mckibben if we wanted to request a method be added to the source collection like /sources/{source_id}/correlation-config, should that be done in the ideas portal?
Edit: NVM, looks like someone already posted such an idea
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