Provisionning attribites AZureB2C "identities"


is there anyone knows how to provision the Azure B2C attribute “identities” in IDN?

Thank you

The ‘identities’ attribute in Azure B2C is a complex, JSON-like structure that holds the details of identity providers and user identifiers. It typically looks like this:

  1. Ensure that the ‘identities’ attribute is available in the Azure B2C schema that IDN interacts with. This may require configuring the attribute in the custom policy in Azure B2C if it isn’t present by default.

  2. In IDN, go to the Source for your Azure B2C connection and map the ‘identitie’` attribute:

  • Map the ‘identities’ attribute in Azure B2C to the appropriate attribute in IDN.
  • Since this is a multi-valued attribute, it will require a JSON transformation.

use a JSON transformation script in the provisioning policy to populate the ‘identities’ attribute correctly. For example:

This example assumes that email and facebookId are attributes already available in IDN.

Test provisioning for users with different identity providers (e.g., email, Facebook, Google) to ensure the attribute values are correctly transformed and sent to Azure B2C.

After provisioning a user, verify the ‘identities’ attribute directly in the Azure B2C portal to confirm that the expected identity providers are correctly associated with the user.


Thank you a lot for your answer.
I have a doubt about the json transformation, you mean create a transform?

Thank you