Provisioning Policy - Create Account

Hi All,

I am new to ISC ( Identity Now)

I am working on configuring Create Provisioning Policy for one of my downstream application.

For one of the account attribute, i need to return the value of user’s manager “Email”

  "type": "static",
  "attributes": {
    "managerEmail": "$identity.getManager().getStringAttribute('email')",
    "value": "$managerEmail"

I tried this transform and this didnot seem to work.

Another account attribute that I needed to create is a multivalued List. it is entitlement and the user will have 3 different entitlements added during the account creation and I have a velocity script that I wrote which will identify which entitlements to be added on what condition.

I am using Static Transform and setting that to multivalued. However in the attribute request it is coming as [a, b, c] and it is failing to add that entitlement. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Could someone help thankyou.

Hi @Bpoudel,

Static Transform to get the user’s manager Email.

  "type": "static",
  "attributes": {
    "value": "$identity.getManager().getStringAttribute('email')"

You can also get the manager email using Cloud Services Deployment Utility “getReferenceIdentityAttribute”

   "name": "Get Manager email",
   "type": "rule",
   "attributes": {
       "uid": "manager",
       "name": "Cloud Services Deployment Utility",
       "attributeName": "email",
       "operation": "getReferenceIdentityAttribute"
   "internal": false

Could you please share the static transform created for multivalued List to understand ?


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Hi @Bpoudel ,
Could you please confirm the id attribute you are referring here for entitlement , is marked as “entitlement and multivalued” from account schema of the source?

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