Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.
Hello Team,
I am trying to trigger the joiner life cycle event I am getting this error
( Exception occurred while executing the RPCRequest: Errors returned from IQService. "A device attached to the system is not functioning. 00000523: SysErr: DSID-031A1242, problem 22 (Invalid argument), data 0 . HRESULT:[0x8007001F]" )
If anyone knows the answer to this error please share the solution.
Thank you
Ok Satish i am agree with your point. i am provisioning the user from hrms (JDBC) application to AD application so i am facing the same error. I have checked every script but again i am facing same error.
Note: ( HRMS user data is masked and encrypted )
Can you share me your input on this please
I have auto populated all the values of identity with this script method ( identity.getAttribute(“Department”); ) why it is failed to get those values. if anyone knows the answer kindly drop your solution.
Added System.out.println statements to log the values of key attributes (identityObj, userId, FinalDn, Department). This will help identify where the issue might be.
Checking and Logging Attributes:
Added logging for the Department value before adding it to the attribute request.
Null Check for identityObj:
Added a check to ensure identityObj is not null, with an appropriate debug message.
Final DN Construction:
Logged the value of FinalDn for debugging.
Here is the updated code with comments explaining the changes:
if(identityName != null) {
// Retrieve the identity object based on the name
Identity identityObj = context.getObjectByName(Identity.class, identityName);
System.out.println("Identity Name ------>>>>> " + identityObj);
if(identityObj != null) {
ProvisioningPlan plan = new ProvisioningPlan();
// Retrieve the userId attribute from the identity object
String userId = (String) identityObj.getAttribute("userId");
System.out.println("User ID: " + userId);
// Construct the final DN
String FinalDn = "cn=" + userId + ",************************";
System.out.println("Final DN: " + FinalDn);
// Create account request for Active Directory
AccountRequest ADAccReq = new AccountRequest();
// Check and log the value of the department attribute
String department = (String) identityObj.getAttribute("Department");
System.out.println("Department: " + department);
// Add attribute request for memberOf
AttributeRequest AttrReq = new AttributeRequest("memberOf", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Add, "CN= ********** ");
// Add more attributes if needed
// ADAccReq.add(new AttributeRequest("anotherAttribute", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, value));
// Log the provisioning plan for debugging
System.out.println("Plan :- " + plan.toXml());
// Uncomment these lines to execute the plan
Provisioner p = new Provisioner(context);
return plan;
} else {
System.out.println("Identity object is null.");
} else {
System.out.println(“Identity name is null.”);
return null;
These changes should help you identify where the issue lies with updating attributes in the provisioning process.