POST /api/app/create

The replacement for this API will be available by the end of June, 2024. To give users enough time to migrate to the public replacement, this API’s shutoff date has been extended to August 30th.

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I have just found this topic looking for solution to my problem. I use endpoint to onboard an Application.
Sending a sample payload fails:

  "name": "Just test Application",
  "description": "Global, centrally supporting db-backed web application"

It used to work OK, but I am constantly getting an unknown (to me) error message:

    "msg_template": "Cannot get property 'alias' on null object",
    "slpt_error_code": "SLPT-1005",
    "formatted_msg": "(SLPT-1005) Cannot get property 'alias' on null object",
    "exception_id": "18CE9BCD3FD",
    "error_code": 1005,
    "exception_class": "java.lang.NullPointerException",
    "exception_detail": {
        "file": "AppService.groovy",
        "method": "createApp",
        "line_number": 466,
        "class": "com.cloudmasons.AppService"
    "http_response_code": 500,
    "timestamp": "2024-01-08 15:41:55.581",
    "exception_message": "Cannot get property 'alias' on null object"

Do you have any clue what really is missing? I cannot find any documentation on SailPoint site regarding this endpoint.

Any help highly appreciated. Thank you!


Welcome to the community Mariusz.

This endpoint is deprecated and will be turned off on March 31st. I do not recommend you continue using this endpoint in your application. There is a v3 replacement being worked on that will be available soon. I suggest you wait for this new endpoint to be available before continuing.


Thank you for your fast response. I will wait for update.
Is there any exposed v3 replacement that I could use and test?
This would help me a lot :slight_smile:


Hello Colin,

I am also using the cc application creation & update API,
what is the release date for the V3 version? is it planning to be published this month before the cc will be turned off so we can prepare?


Do we have any update on the availability of the api ??

The replacement for this API will be available by the end of June, 2024. To give users enough time to migrate to the public replacement, this API’s shutoff date has been extended to August 30th.