Pipe delimited content failing to be retrieved in a transform

Error: {attributes={values=[com.sailpoint.mantis.core.transform.AccountAttributeTransform@2d36608]}}

Aggregation looks to have the data on the account. The field name from the source is storing the data on the account in ISC / IDN: (Data modified for privacy - but the structure consistent)

Attribute data value: cddpo|St Joseph|Stp|10th Floor|Civel University|Student|Jan 21 2023 12:00AM|01/21/2023|May 25 2023 12:00AM|05/25/2023|LPN|||

The transform contains the following:

"mvRotation": {
            "attributes": {
                "values": [
                        "type": "accountAttribute",
                        "attributes": {
                            "sourceName": "App-Dev",
                            "attributeName": "mv_Info"
        "value": "$mvRotation"

When I’m done with the transform, I will be splitting the pipe delimited values so that I can grab the piece I want to. But I can’t get that far to work with the data as we get the above message when just trying to print out the content of the variable.

The source system is a JDBC source. The field in the view we are aggregating looks the same as what the account attribute shows within ISC. I think the issue is being able to read it from ISC.

Pipe “|” is a special character in Velocity which is causing the error. Here is a transform that returns a string @ index 0

    "name": "AATest_PipeCharacterInVelocity",
    "type": "static",
    "attributes": {
        "value": "$pipeString.split('\\|')[0]",
        "pipeString": "cddpo|St Joseph|Stp"
    "internal": false


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I can get your example to work, but having a difficult time getting to work with pulling it from an accountAttribute type.

    "id": "95271586-570d-4b43-9a3a-717eec3af4e4",
    "name": "test",
    "type": "static",
    "attributes": {
        "requiresPeriodicRefresh": "true",
        "mvRotation": {
            "attributes": {
                "values": [
                        "type": "accountAttribute",
                        "attributes": {
                            "sourceName": "App-Dev",
                            "attributeName": "mv_Info"
        "value": "$mvRotation.split('\\|')[1]"
    "internal": false

This errors as it doesn’t like the escaping of the pipe possibly because there isn’t a pipe as $mvRotation seems to contain the original message from the first post as the value. If I use "$mvRotation.split('|)[1] it outputs the letter a, as the value stored in mvRotation is {attributes={values=[com.sailpoint.mantis.core.transform.AccountA…

It seems like you have missed to mention the type inside this transform you are assigning to mvRotation

thank you!! I think I just demoted myself back to a novice :slight_smile:

thank you for the extra pair of eyes!!

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Good to know it worked.

Just a suggestion that the post that had the correct answer to your original question be marked as solution. That will help future users