Permitted roles in remove access section

Hello Folks, is there anyway users can request for removal of permitted roles if they dont need the granted access anymore? currently i dont see the permitted role under remove access section just the encapsulating business role

So, i found the solution for it, by default the roles for removal and requests dont populate except for the entitlements you mark as requestable. You need to modify the quick link population. Navigate to quick link population from global settings and then select the population you want to give this capability to. on the right side bottom there are 2 sections, under what can memebers remove, you need to enter a rule whose return type is a query option. i did the below sample snippet for it

permittedRole = Filter.or("name", "Test C1"));
return new QueryInfo(permittedRole , false);

Hope this helps someone looking for it… same can be applied to what can members request, you can add infro roles, business roles etc


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