Official Sailpoint powershell SDK help

Hi, I am using the official sailpoint powershell sdk to try and update roles and create new roles with criteria. I am stuck on the following error. Not sure where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated.

{"messages":[{"localeOrigin":"DEFAULT","text":"The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid.","locale":"en-US"},{"localeOrigin":"REQUEST","text":"The request was syntactically   
     | correct but its content is semantically invalid.","locale":"en-US"}],"detailCode":"400.1 Bad request content",
$RoleBody = '{
    "id": {},
    "name": "Office 1",
    "description": "Office Role",
    "owner": {
      "type": "IDENTITY",
      "id": "52465dhfdhdfhejrt53y43y",
      "name": "user1"

    "membership": {
            "type": "STANDARD",
                "operation": "OR",
                "children": [
                    "operation": "EQUALS",
                    "key": {"type":"IDENTITY", "property":"", "sourceid":{}},
                    "stringvalue": "1",
new-role -role $RoleBody

Hello @egonzalez !

Welcome to the SailPoint Developer Community!

The New-Role Cmdlet is expecting a PSCustomObject for an input, the default json wont work.

Try using the script below which converts the json object into a PSObject before passing into the Cmdlet. I also changed a few values in the criteria section of your json object. The key if not provided should be null, and the stringValue an empty string. Once I changed those I was able to create the role using the PowerShell SDK.

Let me know if this works for you!

$RoleBody = @"
    "name": "Office 1",
    "description": "Office Role",
    "owner": {
      "type": "IDENTITY",
      "id": "52465dhfdhdfhejrt53y43y",
      "name": "user1"

    "membership": {
            "type": "STANDARD",
                "operation": "OR",
                "key": null,
                "stringValue": "",
                "children": [
                    "operation": "EQUALS",
                    "key": {"type":"IDENTITY", "property":"", "sourceid":""},
                    "stringvalue": "1",

$Role = ConvertFrom-Json $RoleBody

try {
    New-Role -role $Role
} catch {
    Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling New-Role: {0}" -f $_.ErrorDetails)
    Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Response.Headers)

Hey Tyler,

I was able to replicate that in my sandbox. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.
Do you have any sailpoint links that provide similar examples of creating membership criteria using the official powershell sdk?

thank you

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