We are attempting to build a ConnectorBeforeModify rule but are unclear as to the available attributes/objects that can be used with it in Powershell.
In the below example New-Object Sailpoint.Utils.objects.AccountRequest($xmlReader) is assigned to $requestObject. We would like to subsequently leverage $requestObject.<some account attributes/objects> but are unsure of what attributes and objects we can utilize. We could not locate in the documentation, but are perhaps missing something. Any assistance would be appreciated.
if($enableDebug) {
LogToFile("Entering beforeScript")
try {
# Begin SailPoint protected code -- do not modify this code block
$sReader = New-Object System.IO.StringReader([System.String]$requestString);
$xmlReader = [System.xml.XmlTextReader]([sailpoint.utils.xml.XmlUtil]::getReader($sReader));
$requestObject = New-Object Sailpoint.Utils.objects.AccountRequest($xmlReader);
#debug line for testing
if($enableDebug) {
LogToFile("Request object contents:")
LogToFile($requestObject | Out-String)
# End SailPoint protected code
# Begin Client-provided code
#get the necessary info we need from the accountRequest object
#as an example: $nativeIdentity = $requestObject.nativeIdentity
#do whatever work needs to be done here
# End Client-provided code
catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$ErrorItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
LogToFile("Error: Item = $ErrorItem -> Message = $ErrorMessage")
if($enableDebug) {
LogToFile("Exiting beforeScript")