Null Workitem during Certification campaign

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Tomcat log:

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import sailpoint.object.Identity;
import sailpoint.object.WorkItem;
import  sailpoint.api.SailPointContext;

if(item.getType().equals(WorkItem.Type.Certification) || item.getType().equals(WorkItem.Type.Challenge)||item.getType().equals(WorkItem.Type.Signoff)||item.getType().equals(WorkItem.Type.Remediation)){
		System.out.println("Inside If check statement");
		String nOwner = item.getOwner().getName();
		return nOwner;}catch(error){System.out.println(error);}
                return item.getOwner();

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I have a use case where we change preference of an identity to forward all the workitems to another identity.

Next we want to forward all the work items except the one related to certification, remediation… I have attached the rule I’m using to do that.
Problem I’m facing is there are two workitems generated(look at the attached image). First is null and the second one is the required workitem. According to the logic of my rule the workitem should go to the original owner (item.getOwner()) not the forwarded user.
The logs also show the same but when I run a certification campaign the item goes to the forwarded user. Somehow the null workitem is hampering with the rules logic.

Please help.

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