Add workitems comment in a workflow

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IIQ 8.4p1

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I am calling a workflow from a rule to open work items. How do I add comment to the workitems?
Currently I added comment postscript but that does not seem to work.
workflow - Generate Manual Revoke Access Workflow.xml (9.9 KB)

Hi @dk0200
Can you try this in your approval step?
Arg name=“workItemComments” value=“workitems for certification revocation”

I tried passing in it like this. It wouldnt save. Is this how you meant?

@dk0200 I don’t see workItemForm in your approval logic. Can you check ?

Hi @dk0200,

Can you try below snippet after adding in the approval.
Also save object and commit is option if it is not saving.

		  import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
	import sailpoint.object.Comment;
          import sailpoint.object.WorkItem;

          if (Workflow.INTERCEPTOR_OPEN_WORK_ITEM.equals(method)) {
			List comments=new ArrayList();
			Comment cmt=new Comment("Test Comments ","username");

Let us know if it solves purpose.


I guess, in your workflow your are using the incorrect argument name, it should be workItemComments

I am not using any forms here. I am calling the workflow from this rule.
Generate manual work items Prod.xml (9.5 KB)

@ankush-shirbhate that worked. Thank you