I am working on a webservice connector using SOAP.
I’ve been running into a wall while trying to configure an Account Aggregation operation.
I am unable to properly retrieve the accounts and their attributes values. (0 account aggregated)
I’ve tried as a rooth path: //soap:Envelope/soap:Body/MNS150MI_LstAllusersResponse
or //soap:Envelope/soap:Body/MNS150MI_LstAllusersResponse/LstUserDataResponseItem
I’ve tried adding text() to the attribute path.
We are recieving the date, no error on that front.
When using a XPath tester online, I manage to get the values, but the same config does not work when inputed into ISC config.
Do you have any headers set that indicate you are working with XML data? The connector kind of just defaults to thinking it’s getting JSON in the response, so you have to tell it you’re working with XML so it parses it properly.
Try adding a header for Content-Type with a value of application/xml and see if it changes things.
I’ve tried with the root path: .//soap:Envelope/soap:Body/MNS150MI_LstAllusersResponse/LstUserDataResponseItem
Still got 0 account. I also think the problem come from the mapping. If I can’t get the User value then I get no AccountID for the accounts.
I am looking on the documentation to see if I forgot something.
EDIT: I tried with just text/xml, no error, but same state.
Hi Remi - looks like it could be the namespaces. Try //soap:Envelope/soap:Body/*:MNS150MI_LstAllusersResponse or //soap:Envelope/soap:Body/*[local-name() =‘MNS150MI_LstAllusersResponse’]