NERM Reporting HELP

My company went live with NERM (SecZetta) in January. I’m working on creating some reports for my end users. Has anyone created a report which will create a spreadsheet with all data points based on one vendor? If not, how about all data points from all vendors? I can get some information from some reports but not ALL information that I’m looking for. Thanks in advance for any helpful hints on this platform.

I was originally assuming you could include “assignment_organization” as a filter criteria and pick the particular organization (i.e. Vendor) you wanted. Unfortunately when I pick “assignment_organization” and “Include” the next dropdown is still disabled and I’m not able to pick a organization.

Doing the same for “assignment_type” (Population) does appear to work though, so something is either wrong with my configuration in this test tenant or there’s a bug in the system.

If you are trying to filter on a profile search/select attribute that has a filter, there is an issue where it won’t let you select a value (it’s trying to apply the filter). You can build the report if you first remove the filter on the attribute (then reapply after setting the filter in the report).

It depends on your configuration a bit. Each row in the report will be for a specific profile, so any attributes you want to show on a line need to exist on the profile.

So if you want to show all the assignment attributes, but also some attributes from the organization, you’ll need to either do two reports (one for assignments and one for vendor details) or as part of your workflows, have the organization attributes get saved on the assignment profile too. (need to ensure they are kept up to date too).

When will this bug be corrected?

Also, have you come up with a way to remove old useless reports?

When making my reports I can pull the Assignment attributes into a report OR I can pull the non-employee attributes into a profile BUT I cannot pull all assignment and profile attributes into one report. Is this a true statement?

You could have both in a report, but each on their own row, which probably isn’t what you are looking for. I suspect you would like – Showing the Person information & their assignment information on the same row – that’s not possible. (IE, firstname,lastname,email,jobtitle,startdate,enddate,etc).

If your filters don’t restrict the profile type, you could have some rows with first/last/email, and some with jobtitle/start/end.

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I see there was an idea posted for removing reports, so product management is aware of that need. I have not seen a timeline for the filtered attributes issue, but I know its on the backlog for product management as well.

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