NELM Schema differences between vscode and UI

Getting the below error when we try to submit a new user creation for NELM connector via API.

“Schema validation for non-employee source ("38aa5c053abf4875953bb2b17d3fd5b7") failed for the following attributes: VerifySchemaResponse(attributesWithViolations=, undefinedAttributes=[accountId, middleInitial, nonEmployeeType, companyName, jobTitle, department]).”,“locale”:“en-US”},{“localeOrigin”:“DEFAULT”,“text”:“Schema validation for non-employee source ("38aa5c053abf4875953bb2b17d3fd5b7") failed for the following attributes: VerifySchemaResponse(attributesWithViolations=, undefinedAttributes=[accountId, middleInitial, nonEmployeeType, companyName, jobTitle, department]).”,

The schema is there in vscode, but in the UI it is not showing the attributes. When I try to create the attribute via the UI, it gives an error.

Trace ID: e4317f22654a49d691a813859c36b16c
An error occurred. Please contact your administrator.
The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid.

To move the connector to prod, I created it via the UI, but manually updated the schema via vscode

I couldn’t find a resolution to this. I was able to delete the schema values that were not shown in the UI within vscode, after cleaning up existing profile mappings, and then manually re-add them through the UI. Once I did this I was able to do this, the aggregation / new non employee creation via the API started to work.

I don’t know if this is a vscode issue specific with NELM or if it is something with NELM that is requjiring manual configuration.

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