Hi guys ,
When I tried to rehire user or terminate user ,Two AD accounts getting linked to user.
Please find below screenshot for ref.

["Error(s) reported back from the IQService - Failed to update attributes for identity CN\u003dTestLoadLN602\, TestLoadFN602 (SBS666002),OU\u003dUsers,OU\u003dCEK,OU\u003dHospitals,OU\u003dSB-Departments,DC\u003dtechm,DC\u003dorg. Failed to connect to the server for CN\u003dTestLoadLN602\, TestLoadFN602 (SBS666002),OU\u003dUsers,OU\u003dCEK,OU\u003dHospitals,OU\u003dSB-Departments,DC\u003dtechm,DC\u003dorg:There is no such object on the server. There is no such object on the server. 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100245, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of: \t\u0027OU\u003dUsers,OU\u003dCEK,OU\u003dHospitals,OU\u003dSB-Departments,DC\u003dtechm,DC\u003dorg\u0027 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100245, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of: \t\u0027OU\u003dUsers,OU\u003dCEK,OU\u003dHospitals,OU\u003dSB-Departments,DC\u003dtechm,DC\u003dorg\u0027 . HRESULT:[0x80072030]Failed to connect to the server for CN\u003dTestLoadLN602\, TestLoadFN602 (SBS666002),OU\u003dUsers…ming the operation "]
Why two accounts are getting linked to identity ?