"Native Identity should not be null or empty"

Hi guys ,

When I tried to rehire user or terminate user ,Two AD accounts getting linked to user.

Please find below screenshot for ref.


["Error(s) reported back from the IQService - Failed to update attributes for identity CN\u003dTestLoadLN602\, TestLoadFN602 (SBS666002),OU\u003dUsers,OU\u003dCEK,OU\u003dHospitals,OU\u003dSB-Departments,DC\u003dtechm,DC\u003dorg. Failed to connect to the server for CN\u003dTestLoadLN602\, TestLoadFN602 (SBS666002),OU\u003dUsers,OU\u003dCEK,OU\u003dHospitals,OU\u003dSB-Departments,DC\u003dtechm,DC\u003dorg:There is no such object on the server. There is no such object on the server. 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100245, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of: \t\u0027OU\u003dUsers,OU\u003dCEK,OU\u003dHospitals,OU\u003dSB-Departments,DC\u003dtechm,DC\u003dorg\u0027 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100245, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of: \t\u0027OU\u003dUsers,OU\u003dCEK,OU\u003dHospitals,OU\u003dSB-Departments,DC\u003dtechm,DC\u003dorg\u0027 . HRESULT:[0x80072030]Failed to connect to the server for CN\u003dTestLoadLN602\, TestLoadFN602 (SBS666002),OU\u003dUsers…ming the operation "]

Why two accounts are getting linked to identity ?

Hi @saikumar39

Correlation is responsible for linking accounts to identity, may be there is some common data in both accounts.


Hi Krishna,

We are getting this error when we are doing second time termination (After Rehire) and random behavior .

Hi @saikumar39 , this looks like a data issue in your test environment. Please correct your test data before running your tests.

There is no data issue here. Note that we are getting this issue when we are trying to perform ou movement during termination and rehire via the Before Provisioning rule of Active Directory. AS per the best practices, we have before Prov rule which has ac_newparent and few attribute sync requests. This duplicate accounts are getting generated randomly - not for every termination/rehire. Hope this information helps.

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