Multiple Aggregation Endpoints Configuration in Web-Services Connector

Hi Team,

We are trying to integrate one platform using the APIs. We created one web-services source and configured two account aggregation operations since the APIs are designed to get users based on the dynamic response received from one API endpoint and that response needs to be passed as an input to another API endpoint’s body. Below are the endpoint details:

EndPoint 1: /getApplications
Operation: Get
Response: retrieves the list of application names present in platform

Endpoint 2: /getUsers
Body: {“appName” : “<<app name received from the Endpoint 1>>”}
Response: List of users and access present in the given application name

By using the parent-child aggregation calls is not mapping the user details at all and the aggregation status shows only the list of applications scanned results.

We tried to configure dynamic partitioned aggregation and enabled partitioned aggregation, but the connector is throwing 500 connector error. Also, the document present under IDN webservices connector guide has the details about IIQ related connector and doesn’t accurate information on how to configure static or dynamic partition correctly on IDN.

Can anyone please help me on how to achieve the above uses case with the OOTB IDN webservice connector without configuring any before or after rules?

We are also trying to achieve this usecase. Would be following this post and really appreciate the help from the community.

How are you passing the Application name in the second request? It seems like you are getting a list of application names from first request and need to provide only one application name in the second

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