Modify Webservice SaaS connector requestEndPoint using customizer

@cgurung, From the authentication API response, does the server url always contain /prod10/api/ ?

If yes, you can add the context URL in the Aggregation 2 operation as below:

  • /prod10/api/$response.serverurl$

Note : Update the response part above like this : $response.<server URL attribute path from previous operation's JSON response>$

And then handle the "data/people?fieldList=id,name&count=100&start=0" part in the pagination configuration. You don’t need to have it in the context URL as the connector will handle it to update it with query params - ‘fieldList’, ‘count’ & ‘start’ as long as you have defined this in the pagination configuration in the pagin tab of that HTTP operation. You’ll find references below:

  1. Web Services paging based on response
  2. Paging Tab Configuration
  3. Web Service Paging steps not working as expected