Manipulating AD Distinguished Name

Hi …

We want to format the DN in below format with a comma between first and last name like below and provision. We tried multiple ways, not able to figure out. The AD and LDAP connector throws error. Is it not possible using provisioning policy ?

cn=Gary, Christian,ou=users,ou=system

You can try by adding ‘\\’ before comma and it will work. In the provisioning policy try to return the below and it will work.
Ex:- “CN=” + identity.getLastname() + "\\, " + identity.getFirstname() + “,ou=test,ou=com”;

Hi @smuchinthala

Thanks for your reply, we did try this. But it provision’s with a \ in front of comma.

It’s an AD limitation you can’t have comma apart from “Cn=” & “OU=”, hence we have to provision it with “\”.

Hi @smuchinthala

Even for LDAP type of application it does not work. What do you propose for a solution ?

Yes it will not work with any directory, as I have posted earlier that would be the proposed solution.