Distinguish name - AD - IdentityNow issue

I need to convert lastname to uppercase in distinguish name transform for AD provisioning. For this I wrote the below transform but this is not working. Users are getting created with the below DN :-

CN=$(firstname) $(lastname)$(uniqueCounter),OU=CyberArkTest,OU=Users

“CN=$firstname $lastname$(uniqueCounter),OU=CyberArkTest,OU=Users”

Kindly let me know what is wrong in this transform. Why $firstname and $lastname is not getting replaced with the actual firstname and lastname?


Hi @mpoddar123,
In transform you are getting “firstName” as the firstname identity Attribute. You need to use the same in pattern.
“CN=$firstName $lastname$(uniqueCounter),OU=CyberArkTest,OU=Users”
Also add a pattern which doesn’t contain uniquecounter. Below is a working example:

                "attributes": {
                    "cloudMaxSize": "200",
                    "cloudMaxUniqueChecks": "50",
                    "cloudRequired": "true"
                "isRequired": false,
                "multi": false,
                "name": "distinguishedName",
                "transform": {
                    "type": "usernameGenerator",
                    "attributes": {
                        "sourceCheck": true,
                        "patterns": [
                        "firstName": {
                            "type": "identityAttribute",
                            "attributes": {
                                "name": "firstname"
                        "lastName": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "input": {
                                    "attributes": {
                                        "name": "lastname"
                                    "type": "identityAttribute"
                            "type": "upper"
                "type": "string"