Manager Correlation on Active Directory Auth Source

My auth source is Active Directory for certain accounts.

When I try to configure the Manager Correlation the Manager Name is NOT populating if the manager is from another identity profile/auth source.

With other Auth Sources I can configure manager correlation to identities from a different identity profile/auth source. The manager info will be populated in the Manager Name identity attribute.

I tested with using the OOTB AD manager field (DN) and other AD attributes that contain the manager employee ID (e.g. 123456) in the manager correlation mapping. Promoted the necessary identity attributes to searchable to make the attribute available in the drop downs. Configured the ‘manager’ identity attribute to map to the correct value.

Is there an issue with manager correlations in AD auth sources?


I do have a couple of solutions if its still not working for you.

  1. Try this mock project link:
    Download the zip file, and there is a section that talks about manager correlation using a rule.

  2. If you already have a rule and it’s working, make sure to run the AD source unoptimized aggregation. I have noticed that any changes you make to the correlation tab after the initial aggregation for an AD source require unoptimized aggregation.

Let me know how it goes.

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