Identity attribute reference

For a few users, the manager email address is updated in the AD extension attribute.

We need to manager correlation for those identities using that extension attribute, which contains the email address of the identity.

How can this be accomplished?


If I am understanding this correctly and all of the identities are from the same authoritative source and have the same identity profile and you are trying to use different attributes based off certain conditions, it sounds like you would need a complex manager correlation rule to accomplish this.

Here is a reference to how to write a Manager Correlation Rule

Alternatively, if the identities have different authoritative sources, you might be able to use the standard manager correlation functionality.

If you end up needing a complex rule, SailPoint Services can assist in writing this rule based off your requirements. Even if you do write this rule yourself, you will still need to submit it to SailPoint for review since it is a cloud executed rule. Information on this process can be found here.

Please let me know if this helps!

  • Zach

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