issues here are 1) while running campaign for users whose manager email or via GUI we are seeing that it is generating campaign for all managers not selected 3 managers.
2)also we could see inconsistent set of entitlements → roles,groups, permissionsets,queuenames,profileids etc while comparing with user salesforce accounts & csv cert (generated reports) ?
Hello @osmanmohammed
Have you tried hitting the endpoint in SEARCH module.
Here the issue is managerEmail should be a identity attribute, if its not then its not resulting in ideal search result.
So, it would be good to first check in simple search before trying to launch a campaign.
I am assuming managerEmail is an identity attribute in your environment. As Harsh suggested, check the query filter in search to make sure you get the right parameters.
I created the campaign for selected users with the below search query with manager type certification. It worked perfectly well.“cb2715284b634ed49798e19103f7bffd” AND attributes.cloudLifecycleState:active AND @accounts(“Salesforce”)
managerEmail is identity attribute but running a manager certification on salesforce source - we are not seeing all nested public groups ?
in our set up we have access profiles and entitlements.
While configuring Access Certification, you can add all the entitlements from Salesforce source or any other Roles or Access Profiles you want to add in Campaign and then Select Identities using query suggested by @uday_kilambiCTS which works fine.