Manage Access: Remove all Access Profiles or Roles

Hello everyone,

I’m using a workflow to remove access for a leaver. I have configured a workflow to trigger on cloudLifeCycleState change and remove access profiles based on lifecyclestate change from active to inactive.
In the workflow I have the step “Get Access” where I chose access profile to remove, and the step “Manage Access” to remove this access profile using “Get Access”.

In the step manage access “Remove access”, I want to remove all access profiles, using the workflow I can just delete one access profile in each execution of the workflow. Is it normal ? Do I have to pass by a loop to delete the different access profiles?

TestWFRemovalAccess20230327.json (3.3 KB)


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In your Get Access step, get all access profiles for the identity using the following configuration. Make sure you only select the “access profiles” checkbox.

Then, in Manage Access, reference the output of your Get Access step for removal.