LCS set manually is not getting new value as per Transform

Hi All,

I am facing issues where.

  1. Update LCS to different value manually using UI
  2. Run Aggregation and refresh
  3. LCS value is not showing new value based on calculated using LCS transform.

I applied periodic refresh require = true but still not working.

Could you please help me on this?

Hi @vijay_sharma ,

I would say that manually updated LCS will not be changed until or unless you match the updated state

If you update a LCS to different value, still if the conditions matches the old LCS sate value, it will not change. You must need to match the manually updated LCS condition to make it automatic first. After that, you need to change the condition which match the old LCS state, the LCS change will happen.

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Hello Vijay, did you see in the preview mode the new value? Also you can be using an incorrect attribute value and thats why it is not being updated.


Hi @vijay_sharma,

As @GOKUL_ANANTH_M rightly pointed out, the manually set LCS has a precedence over the source value until the LCS attribute changes in the source.

Here is what the documentation says :

If you use the List Identities API, the manuallyUpdated field highlights how the LCS was set.


In your case, you will have to modify the source LCS value for any further changes to reflect through your transform.

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