Joiner Event Trigger

Hi All,

I am new to SailPoint and Im trying to trigger the Joiner Event when new employee record is aggregated from HR source. However, where do we input this triggering logic in Business Process Tab? I have read alot of whitepaper and community posts but seems like it does not apply in my case.

Please help. Thanks

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Hi @tharshini - you’ll want to go to ‘Setup’->‘LifeCycle Events’ . This will show you all the existing LCE’s in your environment, as well as add new ones.

Clicking on one of the existing will show you the details, including a ‘Event Type’ which indicates what is going to trigger the flow. If you want to add custom beanshell logic to a trigger, you can select the ‘Rule’ event type.

More information on the IdentityTrigger type rule can be found here.

So, kind of a two step process - if you already have a Workflow built - then you can just select it on the trigger page and you’re good to go (the field is called business process). If you don’t, you’ll need to create your workflow first, and then link it on the LCE page.