Joiner Business Process is not being triggered

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I’m new to SailPoint and still learning the basics, so I might be missing some key steps in the process.

I’m trying to simulate user provisioning (user creation) between an HR system and a target application. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  1. I set up an HR application using the file connector.
  2. I set up the target application using the web service connector, with create account operations enabled.
  3. I ran an aggregation task on the HR app, which successfully created identities in the Identity Warehouse (using the default correlation).
  4. I expected the default Joiner life cycle event and joiner business process to trigger and create a user in the target application, but it seems like the business process didn’t run at all.

Could you help me understand what I might be missing? Here’s a summary:

  1. HR app is set up.
  2. Aggregation task was triggered.
  3. Identity was created.
  4. The life cycle event is enabled.

Please check the identity for the events. Also check the perform maintenance task and identity refresh task are executed after aggregation.

Hey @ankush-shirbhate,
There are no events under the identity.

Looking at the tasks, perform maintenance was executed automatically, and I executed manually refresh identity cube.

Hi @liza_s,

To trigger the joiner life cycle event and the corresponding joiner business process, the identity refresh task must be executed with the Process event option.

To create a user in the target application, you need to customize the joiner business process.

Triggering process events worked, thank you very much!
Is there a way to have the identify refresh task to be triggered after every aggregation?

Go to Setup—>Task—>New Task---->Sequential Task Launch

Set up a sequential task that includes the HR app aggregation task followed by the refresh identity task. Once the HR app aggregation is finished, the refresh identity task will run automatically.

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