I have a Disable Profile created through the REST APIs for a JDBC source, which sends 2 identity attributes: one being the cloudLifecycleState and the other being a unique identifier of the user. Both of these values are strings, and both values are identity attributes which have underlying transforms.
The cloudLifecycleState attribute is a complex data source, meaning it is sourced from a cloud rule. The other attribute is a firstValid transform which defaults to ‘NONE’ if it cannot source the value.
- When there’s a disable operation, like when the lifecycle state indicates the user is terminated, the jdbc source is disabled, so a Disable AccountRequest is sent in the provisioning plan downstream to the provision rule.
- The provision rule detects the disable operation, and reads the AttributeRequest objects.
- I expect there to be 2 attribute requests, one for the cloudLifecycleState and the other for the unique identifier string, but the only AttributeRequest object in the plan is the cloudLifecycleState.
I have double-checked that the disable profile does have 2 attributes in it, but for some reason, on disable account request, the unique identifier is null when it reaches the provision rule.
Any thoughts on what could be going wrong here?