It is possible to use 2 filters on same source?

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Hi All,
It is possible to use both account and group filter string in same source?

I have tried this but the aggregation is running continuously and not able to cancel the process.

Any idea on this??

Shantha Kumar

Can you tell us what connector you are using? What is your use case?

Webservice connector.
Also it is possible to cancel the aggregation from API since in UI the option is not visible

Received this error after 47 min

I have started the entitlement aggregation in partner tenant but it keeps running since yesterday. Any issue from you end or how to stop this.

Different Filters for Different Objects - The filterString applies to all objects which are aggregated. If you want to get more specific to accounts or groups which are filtered, you can use account.filterString or group.filterString to denote specific filters for those particular objects. This document assumes filterString but you can also use the others as well.

Hope you are using right filter string.

@MVKR7T I have use the “group.filterString”: “(description.isNull())” but the aggregation is still running

Sorry for the late reply. It got resolved automatically. Anyways thanks for the input @everyone

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