Thank you for taking the time to report this @adamian . I noticed in your logs that this double execution only happened once. Have you seen any more occurrences of this double execution, or are you able to reliably reproduce it? If not, then your best path forward is to submit a support ticket so they can review your logs and see exactly what happened.
Have you seen any more occurrences of this double execution, or are you able to reliably reproduce it?
My question would be, as SailPoint has access to the execution times (I assume), how often do you see this issue happening?
Is this working as designed, but maybe is this limitation not documented yet?
Maybe it is one in a billion chance, maybe people just don’t report bugs anymore.
Again, I think SailPoint has the code and data to check such issues, especially as ISC is a cloud solution, not an on-prem installation.
SailPoint Support needs 30 days just to confirm that “it is the expected behaviour that we are seeing right now.” (e.g. CS0309227), so I am very reluctant in investing the time.