ISC Search - Unexpected Unannounced and Undesired Removal of Functionality

Hi all, :slight_smile:

In Search, you used to be able to perform a search, then click on the row of an identity to get a pop up with identity details. It was a small pop up and not user friendly, but at least you could see the data there.

However, this pop up is now gone, which means our role and source admins can now not see this data anymore through the UI.

I don’t see this mentioned in the announcements:

I don’t see this change mentioned in the release notes:

I notice this change in different tenants and different environments, including production.

Why is this functionality removed, and why was this done without proper announcements?

Kind regards,
Angelo Mekenkamp

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Hi Angelo,

Can you please submit a support ticket? UI bugs are quicker to resolve through our support system.

Hi @colin_mckibben,

Yes, created a support ticket: CS0352185

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This issue has been fixed. We notice the pop-up has returned for source/role admins.

I have not received any reaction mentioning why this functionality was changed without proper announcement.

@community_moderators, please mark this post as fixed as I can’t do that myself.