ISC - Schedule Aggregation


In ISC, If we want to schedule the account aggregation then we can configure daily weekly monthly and we can also provide interval and also start time .
Is there any way We can run the aggregation, twice a day at specific time.

Hi Swapnil.

In the account aggregation Page, you can select the aggregation to run Daily and Schedule it to Reccur every 12 Hours and select the time to run this Aggregation. Another option is to use a Powershell script to run the aggregation and then schedule this through Windows task scheduler.

Hi @sbhagat
Please find it here:

Hi @sbhagat,

Cron expressions allow you to define complex schedules for running aggregation tasks. Find below curl to achieve your case.

curl --location --request POST ‘https://{{tenantName}}{{SourceId}}/accountAggregationSchedules’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer …’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–data-raw ‘{enable: true, cronExp: “0 0 9,15 * * ?”

In body given expression run at 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Modify expression as per your requirements.

Thank You.


It’s been a while since I’ve tried, but do we have access to use these private apis like the /diana one you’re mentioning?

Hi Mark,

Still, it is working, I’ve tried this a long back ago. then today I’ve tested still am accessing, so suggested this here.

Interesting. That will be nice so I can schedule some aggregations at the bottom of the hour so not everything is kicking off at the top of the hour. Thanks for the insight!

Thank You it is working.
Can you provide me the cron expression for this time - (1:30am, 12:30pm, 6:30pm) daily ?

Use below crown expression: “30 1,12,18 * * ?”